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VICI grant for Agnes Akkerman

Agnes Akkerman has received a grant of 1.5 million euros from NWO for her VICI project A dissatisfied employee, a dissatisfied citizen?

The funding will enable the laureate to do research for the next five years and to build up her own research group. Vici is one of the largest grants for individual scientists in the Netherlands and is part of NWO's Talent Scheme.

Agnes Akkerman received the grant for her project A dissatisfied employee, a dissatisfied citizen?

Assertive employees are sometimes punished with poorer career chances or bullying by employers and colleagues. This research will reveal how and why the expression of dissatisfaction by employees is suppressed and what consequences this has for the behaviour of employees, within and outside of the organisation, such as their voting behaviour.

Agnes Akkerman ia Professor of Labor Relations at Radboud University Nijmegen and James Coleman Professor of Sustainable Labor Relations at the Department of Sociology of the University of Groningen, by special appointment of the James Coleman Association.