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Prof. dr. F. A. (Frank) Hindriks


Frank Hindriks is professor of Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen as well as academic director of the Groningen Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Economics. His research concerns social groups, institutions and organizations, the patterns of coordination and cooperation they involve, as well as the benefits and burdens that they generate for insiders and outsiders.

He investigates the freedoms, rights and responsibilities that individuals have due to the social structures in which they participate – with special attention for the obligations that majorities have with respect to minorities in cases of structural injustice or oppression. He acquired an NWO Veni grant in 2005. And he cooperates with economists and psychologists in NWO MVI projects.




5.5 Shared Values as a Means to Resolve Identity Conflicts

11.2 Group Norms, Intrinsic Motivation and Sustainable Energy Consumption

12.2 Degrees of Moral Responsibility